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Rental property WANTED for August

We have a client that wishes to come over during August - anytime in August but she would prefer nearer the beginning (if possible). She is looking for a fairly cheap property to rent for about a month on the urb. She does have 2 dogs. Can anybody help please?
e-mail: [email protected]

La Marina

Our client is still looking for a Rental in La Marina for August. Does anybody have a property she could rent, or know of somebody who would like to rent out their property during August?
Please e-mail: [email protected]

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-18 09:06:47 UTC

Places to Eat

We took our family up to the top of the Urb last night, so the grandchildren could have a few rides at the little fair, they loved it, anyway, we took them into the Pitzaria opposite the little fair, we had 3 pitza's and a large serving of chips between us and a drink each - all for just 20 euros - excellent value for money.

Not a small plate of little scrawny chips between the 4 of us like the expensive restaurant then Linda ???????

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-17 07:07:20 UTC

Very reasonable. I had a couple of drinks last Tuesday at Cagneys. 1 euro for a small beer and 1 euro for a glass of wine. This surely has to be one of the cheapest bars on the Urb. You even get a welcome from Cagney the dog.!

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-17 16:13:58 UTC

Always enjoy my evenings at Cagneys a decent meal cheap drinks,the occasional live entertainment,and always cheerful staff,now we know why it is nearly always busy

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-17 19:34:50 UTC

No Carol not a scrawny plate of chips hahahaa and definately much better value for money x

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-18 07:45:33 UTC




23.45 hours. Retreat by the Moors and Christians. Start on Valencia Street to the Cort Theatre.


19.45 hours. Collection charges.

20.10 hours: Concentration of all / I the / os champions / os and charges festive side of the Moor in the Moors of Kabila and concentration of ALFEITAMI / o the / os champions / os and festive side's positions in the Christian barracks of the smugglers. Departure to the Cort Theatre.

20.30 hours. Mini street parade Capdepón Tomas to Plaza de la Constitution.

21.30 hours. Concentration of authority in front of City Hall.

21.45 hours. Presentation of the 2011 festive office in the Plaza of the Constitution and proclamation by Mr. BERNE CANDIDO CHANNELS.

22.45 hours. Bando Embassy Takes Moro Castle.

23.45 hours. Inauguration of Kabila and Cuartelillos. First, Comparsa Comparsa Moros smugglers and then the Alfeitami.

After the opening dance in Kabila and firehouse.


8.00 hours. Awakened by the Moro and Christian Bandos. Focus on the castle gates.

20.30 hours. Input bands participating in the parade. They do so in the opposite direction of the parade (from Cortes to Valencia Street Theatre).

21.30 hours. Parade. Entry delay. Focus on Valencia Street.

After the parade Dancing in Kabila and firehouse.


8.00 hours. Awakened by the Moro and Christian Bandos. Focus on the castle gates.

19.45 hours. Input bands participating in the parade. They do so in the opposite direction of the parade. From Cortes to Valencia Street Theatre.

22.00 hours. Parade. Christian input. Focus on Valencia Street.

After the parade Dancing Cuartelillos Kabila.


8.00 hours. Awakened by the Moro and Christian Bandos. Focus on the castle gates.

11.00 hours. Concentration of the banners and titles of the Moro Bando Kabila of the Moors of Alfeitami and flags and titles of Christian side in the barracks of the Smugglers. Departure to Constitution Square.

11.30 hours. Embassy of the barrel in the Plaza of the Constitution.

20.30 hours. Collection charges.

21.10 hours. Concentration of all / I the / os champions / os and festive side's positions on the Moor of the Moors of Kabila and concentration of ALFEITAMI / o the / os champions / os and festive side's positions in the barracks of Christian smugglers. Departure to the Place de la Constitution.

21.30 hours. Christian Embassy and Decision Bando del Castillo.

23.00 hours. Kabila and dance firehouse.


Cant Wait. i take it the brochures are out now then?

Commented Laura in Quesada 2011-07-14 15:28:06 UTC

They are not out yet, but should be out next week. Just go to the Tourist info centre and make sure you have id and they will give you the colourful book of the fiestas.

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-07-14 18:07:56 UTC

hi they are out now we got one on friday @cafe vienna

Commented cafe vienna in Quesada 2011-07-17 19:06:46 UTC


Thanks for the update!


Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-07-17 21:27:04 UTC

We will be collecting ours tomorrow.
Does anyone have any info whether there will be chairs available in the square during the parades?

Commented savemoney61 in Almoradi 2011-07-17 22:36:30 UTC

Killing of Brit abroad.

I was wondering if anyone has a thought or, opinon on the man that was stabbed to death in a taxi why on holiday with his friends. It seems we have a problem going abroad and cant control our drinking habits. Sad really but, it seems like its 90% of british young people who start alot of hassle when drunk and abroad plus i point out we do have a bad reputation

La Marina

I agree completely, us brits do cause most of the trouble abroad because of drinking too much. I went to Alora (Costa Del Sol) last summer for their fiesta. It was mostly Spanish teenagers drinking 'tinto' and dancing even the police joined in. There was no trouble at all. Just goes to show!

Commented karen in Almoradi 2011-07-17 09:42:19 UTC

I know the brits are a problem with there binge drinking but this is no excuse for anyone to go around stabbing them, however much they are provoked. It is frightening to think that anyone could be carrying knives around with them.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-17 14:03:53 UTC

Eve.. I read i huge write up on this situation this morning. It seems thought the even the guys friends said to the police that they provoked the cab driver and i think now days for your own protection people should be able to at least carry CS spray if sed in the correct situations and used right it could save your life or the lifes of people your with. As you yourself could be in a situation and they could pull a knife or a weapon on you and then your left to defend yourself with your hands and your hands will not over come a knife or a weapon. Its true no one should be killed just for that but when you go to another country and act like they were you are asking for 100% trouble

Commented Andi in La Marina 2011-07-17 14:58:33 UTC

Andi I don't suppose any of us know what we would do until faced with a situation. I hope I don't have to put it to the test.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-17 16:15:49 UTC


Every tuesday 10.30-12.00am. Coaching is open to all ladies, regardless of ability! €8.50 incl. beverage. 902 18 09 18 [email protected]

If I don't have my own clubs, could you provide any?

Commented Liudmila in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-04-21 13:00:25 UTC

Can you let me know where this is held at please as I am very interested to come along. I have not been playing long but am ready to take my game to the next level and meet others.

Commented Dawn in La Marina 2011-04-23 09:48:18 UTC

It is held at Lo Romero Golf course, just outside of Pilar de la Horadada every tuesday, Dawn. With Alex-our professional. You're very welcome!

Commented Lo Romero in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-04-23 10:43:20 UTC

And, yes we can provide the clubs if needed.

Commented Lo Romero in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-04-23 10:44:04 UTC

JULY ONLY! Ladies coffee mornings are on fridays same time!

Commented Alex in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-07-08 13:00:14 UTC

Are the ladies coffee mornings running in August, if so which day, thanks

Commented Bev & Stuart in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-07-16 16:40:32 UTC

Hello, Bev, yes they will be running in August, but will be on tuesdays.

Commented Alex in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-07-17 11:38:32 UTC

Thanks Alex, I'm coming out to Spain on 8th August, I'll email Lo Romero and book a place from the 9th, also where do we meet (clubhouse or driving range) Thanks

Commented Bev & Stuart in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-07-17 12:55:14 UTC

Moors and Christians

Guardamar and Orihuela celebrate Moors and Christians

THE MOORS and Christians fiesta is a major event in Spain commemorating the Christians’ victory over the Moors and the subsequent re-conquest of their land. The Moors, hailing from North Africa, invaded Spain in 711 in a bid to convert Catholic Spain into a land ruled by Islam.

By the 13th century, much of Spain was re-conquered by the Christians in the form of a united Spain, and the Moors had to convert to Catholicism, be expelled back to Africa or be killed for not doing so. However, it wasn’t until 1492 when Granada, the last Moorish stronghold, surrendered to the Catholic monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella, and the re-conquest was finally over.

This major piece of history is celebrated all over Spain with mock invasions, battles and the ultimate victory of the Christians.

The Moors and Christians fiesta can last for a whole week and will often see whole towns and villages participating in the traditional event.

Next week is the turn of Guardamar and Orihuela, celebrating the Moors and Christians fiesta from Saturday 16th July until Saturday 23rd July in Orihuela, and from Friday 15th until Monday 25th in Guardamar: both towns offer a varied programme of events on a daily basis for residents’ and tourists’ entertainment alike


Moors and Christians

Guardamar and Orihuela celebrate Moors and Christians

THE MOORS and Christians fiesta is a major event in Spain commemorating the Christians’ victory over the Moors and the subsequent re-conquest of their land. The Moors, hailing from North Africa, invaded Spain in 711 in a bid to convert Catholic Spain into a land ruled by Islam.

By the 13th century, much of Spain was re-conquered by the Christians in the form of a united Spain, and the Moors had to convert to Catholicism, be expelled back to Africa or be killed for not doing so. However, it wasn’t until 1492 when Granada, the last Moorish stronghold, surrendered to the Catholic monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella, and the re-conquest was finally over.

This major piece of history is celebrated all over Spain with mock invasions, battles and the ultimate victory of the Christians.

The Moors and Christians fiesta can last for a whole week and will often see whole towns and villages participating in the traditional event.

Next week is the turn of Guardamar and Orihuela, celebrating the Moors and Christians fiesta from Saturday 16th July until Saturday 23rd July in Orihuela, and from Friday 15th until Monday 25th in Guardamar: both towns offer a varied programme of events on a daily basis for residents’ and tourists’ entertainment alike



I would like to welcome Richard to our ever growing team, he will be running this site and is on hand to help.
A Spanish Life is now the fastest growing website in Spain and is raked in the top 150 sites in the Alacante area, so start adding your businesses and property to the site. If you need any advise as to how the site works then send Richard an email by using the contact link.

Playing The Piano Accordian..........

For Something Completely Different I thought I would post up here myself and my Step-Mum playing our Piano Accordians - we hadn't played together for over a year. Sorry I'm not glammed up but didn't know I was going to be famous he he

La Marina

Hey, I didn't realise you had a hidden talent Carol, very clever x

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-17 06:45:14 UTC

I was sending the links to Don & Ivy so thought I might as well put it on the forum for all to see just for something a bit different !!

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-17 07:08:55 UTC

RUFUS ROO - How Brilliant is this ??

Wacky way to beat airline baggage charges

I've just read the following - what a good invention (not that I would personally wear one), but I bet a lot of people will :

14 July 2011

By Orlando Parfitt
Rufus Roo

Here's one original way to beat baggage charges at airports, as long as you’re not a fashion victim…

It’s the Rufus Roo, a giant jacket that lets flyers wear a rucksack full of luggage – and skip fees for checking in extra bags.

The overcoat, which has six strengthened pockets and comes in five snazzy colours, apparently holds up to 15kg worth of stuff.

Inventor Andrew Gaule said the wacky product, which costs £29.95, was inspired by rising costs at budget airlines. “They are profiting even more from the charges and the hassle passengers are suffering at the boarding gate,” he said.

Just last month it was reported that Ryanair had upped their summer baggage charges again to £25 per checked-in bag. If you go over the 20kg weight limit or pay on the day, you'll be asked to pay even more.

Easyjet, Flybe and BMI Baby also charge for checking in luggage.

However, every airline lets punters bring at least one bag of hand luggage onboard for free, as well as a jacket or coat – which is where the Rufus Roo comes in.

Richard Ingram, Head of Sales and Marketing for the company, said: “Passengers may not be able to avoid some charges, but an inexpensive and stylish travel coat with larger pockets could prevent last-minute stress, embarrassment and cost when they travel”.

La Marina

Carol, I have got a big one, do you want to see it before I go back on Wednesday. Had nearly 20k stuffed into various pockets and I have been fronted on their web page, that is anothe story, which I will tell you in person.xx

Commented Robert in La Marina 2011-07-16 18:39:50 UTC

Oh you Naughty boy Robert he he. Glad you are happy with your big one and I'm sure it gets a lot of use with all your comings and goings (backwards and forth) from Spain to England. Thank you for your kind offer to show it to me, but I've already seen one - and you know the saying *Once you've seen one you've seen them all* !!!***
If we don't see you before - have a safe journey back !! lol x

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-17 07:05:43 UTC
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