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Fiesta at Aloha

Just like to say a massive THANKYOU to the staff in both Aloha and Final Whistle, to the acts who donated their fees on the day and all the fantastic people of La Marina who donated loads to the Tash appeal. Also to the bars in the square who helped us (Most did, one didn't) But it was a fab day, hope if you came you enjoyed it and we raised over 2000 euro, well done and thankyou.

What a great afternoon it was Jez everyone enjoyed themselves. The entertainment was really good and so was the food. Fabulous amount of money raised. Pat on the back for everybody. And the main event Tasha being able to be there for a short while.

Commented jackieb57 in La Marina 2016-03-04 08:07:54 UTC

Which bar did not help ?

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2016-03-04 12:39:41 UTC

seconded..............which bar did not help?

Commented exsas in La Marina 2016-03-04 16:29:04 UTC


Commented Paul Roach in La Marina 2016-03-19 20:02:17 UTC

do we know why?!!

Commented exsas in La Marina 2016-03-23 09:52:33 UTC

They were never asked

Commented Miguel in La Marina 2016-03-24 11:21:46 UTC

ok fair enough

Commented exsas in La Marina 2016-03-25 07:09:43 UTC