Expat appointed "Headman" of Mil Palmeras

Expat appointed “Headman” of Mil Palmeras
Written by Mireille Toddington
Monday, 10 October 2011 13:05
The municipality of Pilar de la Horadada has reinstated the traditional system of village headman or Alcade Pedaneos. Mayor José Fidel Ros has appointed seven representatives at a formal ceremony held at the Casa de Cultura. These people are the Mayor’s deputies and become the most significant government official in their neighbourhoods. The appointments include expatriate Louise Innes, who becomes the Mayors Deputy in Mil Palmeras, and is the only non-Spaniard to be inaugurated.
The mayor said: This is a pioneering initiative for Pilar, and is part of our way of understanding politics and local management of our government administration. This way we can be closer to our own citizens, they themselves will find the doors of the City even more accessible through the headmen. These people live every day in the neighbourhoods and areas of our town that during all these years of socialist rule have been most forgotten.”

The village headman are: Louise Anne Innes (Mil Palmeras), Fernando Collazo (Pinar de Campoverde), María Isabel Pérez (Los Sáez), Faustino Risquez (Torre de la Horadada), Pedro Moreno (Los Hortelanos), Jesús Castillo (Riomar) y María del Carmen Tendero (La Cañada).

Festive Activities-Fiestas Patronales

Many festive events are happening in October in Pilar de la Horadada! Check out our events calendar for more info! And happy Fiestas Patronales!

Don't get me wrong festivities are great, but how annoying are those "Peñas"!! AAAAAAAa!!!!!!!! :)

Commented Liudmila in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-10-04 07:54:01 UTC

Anyone know for certain what time the 'Dancing Horses ' show starts on 8th October - the programme on here states 10 pm however a copy of the Fiestas Programme picked up from the Tourist Office say 8 pm :-(

Commented ruth.steele in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-10-07 16:00:15 UTC

Well all the programmes i've seen say 22.00pm..And everywhere online too. So I'm not sure now. Check it again. Does anyone know if it's free to watch?

Commented Liudmila in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-10-08 09:00:20 UTC

Yep ! it was 22.00 hrs and very enjoyable too.

Commented ruth.steele in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-10-10 09:29:18 UTC

Today at 19.00-Ofrenda de Flores! Beautifull event when Pilar citizens bring flowers to the church.

Commented Pilar de la Horadada in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-10-11 09:52:54 UTC


Charity 4 Charities are launching an appeal for tons of PLASTIC BOTTLE TOPS ( ANY SIZE, ANY COLOUR )
A tiny girl who is oly 18 months old suffers a cripling illness,and because of this she will be confined to a wheelchair for all of her life.
The specialy molded wheelchair she needs costs a stagering €10,000 and will need changing over a period of time when she grows out of it.
Her family have asked for our help. With your help we hope to help the family raise funds for the wheelchair.
If you could ask your friends and neighbours to donate all of their bottle tops,a member of Charity 4 Charities will collect them, alternatly you can take them into the Bull Flannigan near La Marquesa golf course and they will pass them onto us,and don't forget ,you can also bring them down to our Auction where we will bring you up to date on our progress in helping her. IT WILL COST US ALL NOTHING IN TERMS OF MONEY,BUT THIS WILL CHANGE THE LITTLE GIRLS AND HER FAMILYS LIFE.
Thank you.

A Ton?!! That's a lot of bottle tops...Hope you get all the help you can get!!

Commented Liudmila in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-10-08 09:16:40 UTC

Joe Longthorne in Concert

Night Out Promotions working together with Personality Artistes Ltd Present Joe LongThorne '' A Man And His Music ''
Live at the Teatro Municipal, Torrevieja
On Monday 10th October 2011
Show starts 8pm
Tickets are priced at 25 basic, 35 Improved view, 50 premium seats and a few after show party passes still available.
Tickets are available from the theatre box office, or contact Night Out Promotions on 966 732 215 or 672 885 418
or visit www.nightoutpromotions.com

Can you name the vandal?

Local residents are furious that a thoughtless and inconsiderate vandal has sprayed the symbolic bull statue on the roundabout between Pilar and San Pedro with graffiti. If anyone recognises the “tag” or signature, locals are asking them to report their suspicions to the police. One local said: “It’s disgusting to think that with the economic crisis people are destroying public property and then tax payers will be expected to foot the bill. This was a beautiful statue and now its an eyesore.” For the picture click http://www.coastrider.net/news/local-news/13781-can-you-name-the-vandal

I have a property in Torre and although I don't live there yet, my husband and I spend as much time as we can there. I must admit that we were surprised in the increased amt of graffiti that we saw in the area this summer. I know that graffiti seems more acceptable in Spain, (not to me however) but when it encroaches into residential areas I think that something needs to be done. Does anyone know how we can get something done about it

Commented Julie Woollams in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-10-01 08:09:37 UTC

Graffiti is very popular in Spain, I have nothing against great graffi work on the walls (like around Torrevieja) it's the Tagging that's the problem!

Commented Liudmila in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-10-04 07:56:06 UTC

Pilar continues cost cutting..

The City Council in Pilar has cut the budget for the upcoming fiesta by fifty percent because they still have last year's debt to cover. More than 120,000 euros was spent on festivities in 2010, including concerts, fiestas, parades, decorative lights and fireworks. As part of the cutbacks, the next planned fiesta will begin a week later than usual, have 60 percent less decorative lighting and the main event will be focused on a single night which includes the election of the carnival Queen and her coronation. Grants to associations will also be halved to keep much need funds in the municipal coffers. Even the parade floats are not safe from the cutbacks suffering a slash of 15 percent in prizes.

The upcoming festivities planned for 12th October will see a saving of more than 11,000 euros on lighting alone and the whole celebration has been organised within a budget of just 3,600 euros, a huge saving on the same event held last year.

Councillor Francisco Javier Lara (PP), responsible for fiestas, said: "Our City Council must still pay for part of the festivities from last year., a cost that has been left by the PSOE administration. For this reason we have been left with no choice but to change the traditions. The savings we make to this years fiesta schedule will help pay for this years celebrations and also try to pay the providers of services hired last year, a debt left to us by the previous government team."

Some of those enforced changes include holding the election and coronation of the Queen of the Festival, which traditionally been done in two consecutive weekends, on the same night. This special event will now be held 1st October and will, in itself, save more than 15,000 euros.

Subsidies to associations are also to be reduced by up to 50 percent. Traditionally groups, associations and acts have all been paid to participate. This year these will receive 15 percent less in municipal financial assistance.

The councillor concluded: "We are confident that the residents of Pilar will understand the austerity with which we have been left no choice but to act on this issue. We do this cost cutting for a number of reasons, because there is a huge financial crisis and burden in the country, but also because this City is in debt and is the first major issue that we, as the new administration have to address and solve." "The Coastrider."

Love these particular festivities but accept that in these hard times savings do have to be made. I am sure that it won't affect the atmosphere and the involvement of everyone. Can someone tell me please what date the final parade is.

Commented Julie Woollams in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-10-01 08:13:48 UTC

The main floats parade will be on saturday 22nd of october at 20.00.

Commented Pilar de la Horadada in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-10-01 09:37:55 UTC

Felicidades Fiestas a todos!

Commented Liudmila in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-10-04 07:52:44 UTC


As austerity measures continue to bite across the region the latest high profile closure was announced In Pilar de la Horadada on Tuesday by the mayor Fidel Ros with the winding down of the Ayuntamiento’s own TV channel Horadada TV.

The television service has operated in the town for twelve years during which time it has filmed thousands of hours of materiel covering all of the municipality’s most important events. Mayor Ros said that he has to save four million euros before the end of the current financial year and it is with a great deal of regret that the Television Station is just one of a number of casualties of the government’s cost cutting policy.This decision was accompanied by the closure of the transmitting antenna, which was still operating under the old DTT system, and a refusal to address the replacement costs of unserviceable broadcast equipment.

Bogus Health Officials

Two people have been arrested in Murcia for allegedly stealing from elderly people in san Javier, Cartagena and Pilar de la Horadada by pretending to be employees of a medical service. While one distracted their victim by conducting the test, the other supposedly stole personal belongings.

Language course.

The county council of Pilar de la Horadada is launching a course for European residents in Castilian Spanish. According to reports in the Spanish newspaper Informacion, this is because the officials believe that the expats have little desire to learn Spanish and will only communicate in English.
According to the article the coast is a small outpost of Europe and with more international residents than many capitals – but mainly those from Britain, Ireland and Germany.To help address this issue and to hopefully avoid some of the pitfalls the coast has experienced, the Town Hall of Pilar de la Horadada is hosting a free course to promote the integration of foreign citizens in the area and expand their knowledge of Spanish culture.
The seminar, organised by the Provincial Council of Alicante through the European Residents Unit will offer lessons at two levels, basic and intermediate. The courses will focus on the practical use of Spanish, with special emphasis on the communicative aspect of the language. The courses, which will be held from 19th September to 29th November, will run over a total of 40 hours spread over 20 sessions - two days a week for two hours a day.

We would love to participate in these courses, but are not full time residents and are therefore excluded. Even if we had to contribute to the cost we would still consider taking part.

Ruth, Torre de la Horadada

Commented ruth.steele in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-09-14 12:53:32 UTC

I think its great that Pilar council are providing Spanish lessons. All of us who have property in this area and/or spend lots of time here or in any part of Spain should make the effort to learn the language.

Commented Julie Woollams in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-10-01 08:04:35 UTC

Camera Course for beginners

A camera course for beginners starts on Tuesday 11th October at Lo Marabu Restaurant, Lemon Tree Road, next to the La Laguna Hotel, Quesada. So if you have a camera with many functions you don't understand, why not come along? The course runs for 8 weeks from 10.30-12.00pm and costs 50 euros.
Call David Stokes on 649 613 517 or see the website www.photogenics-cb.net

Pilar de la Horadada
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