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The Elections are over, normality should be returning, One bit of good to come from the result is I doubt if Mark Lewis will bother moaning about AAN or Pauline any more.
I believe in this charity and I want it to go forth and help the people who temporarily cannot help themselves.
I wonder if Pauline, or even Paulino, could give us any info. on what if anything will change. At the moment I believe, The AAN Charity Shop,converts its takings to food, which is then taken to the mini council offices,where the social services give a list of people or Families without enough income to supply themselves with food, so that the food from the AAN charity can help these people survive. At the moment Carlos the Mayor hasn't told us what offices if any, that he is closing down, So if he or anyone knows what is happening,I will be more than happy to hear that nothing on the food for the needy is changing.

La Marina

Hi Alan,

Many thanks for your kind words, it is greatly appreciated. For the time being, we will just post a brief reply, to let you and anyone else interested know that as far as we are concerned, it is business as usual and we will carry on raising money to buy food for those who desperately need it. Even at this moment we are in discussions with all the various parties, to find the best way forward for distributing the food, but until we have had these discussions none of us will be any the wiser of exactly how this will take place. Please be assured that once we have further details (hopefully within the next few days, as these people's needs will not go away, just because of an election!!!) we will let everyone know how the food distribution will be handled.

In the neantime, as we've already mentioned, it's business as usual at the shop, so why not pop in and pick up a bargain. With your helpe we can continue helping those less fortunate than ourselves.

Very best regards,

A.A.N Charity

Commented A.A.N. Charity in La Marina 2015-05-30 10:47:54 UTC

Thank You all at AAN,
I gathered the answer would be known a bit later, But thought I would put something on this Forum at this time, Just to keep Residents aware, That people (possibly neighbours) may be going hungry and young kids are going without the basic things in life. The Election is over, but life for the have nots goes on day after day, So please help the needy, pop into the AAN charity shop (NEAR CAGNEYS) purchase a little something or just put a couple of euros in the tin. or even take a few things in for them to sell. I believe that in the last year alone they have supplied food to a total of over 13000 Euros to help between 80- 100 people each week.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-05-30 11:03:54 UTC

This charity is a very much needed service to the residents less fortunate than us.
Alan I highlight your comment regarding Mark Lewis. It is great that he or any of his cronies can not poke there nose in with the ANN and any council matters at all.
He has lost everything, even the little money he use to be awarded for turning up as part of the opposition council.
Take a little glimpse at his La Marina Info, the deluded man must still be suffering with a hang over, he still persists to advertise the AP manifesto and his election points.
Could the good people of San Fulgencio point out he has absolutely nothing to do with council operations now.
No job, no income, two charity outlets. Will leave the rest up to the wondering minds of people.
Who knows what the future holds with the PP.

Commented electioncampaign in La Marina 2015-05-30 11:15:55 UTC