councillors responsibilities

Have just read what the responsibilities are for the new councillors of San Fulgencio.
Pascuel Sempere Mogica Is in charge of cleaning and roads.
Jeff Wisznieweski is in charge of services and activitiesfor the urbs.(with assistance from other councillors)
Ms. Concepcion Castelle Espinosa is in charge of health and fiestas.
That is just a random pick,
I chose these mainly because they will be three positions that everyone can keep a close eye on,in the Urbs
Mr.Mogica what can you do? i consider the road cleaning is pretty good at the moment,but repairs to roads and pavements really should be addressed,once we have a few euros to spend.
Mr. Wisznieweski.Possibly the most important person for all ex-pats on the Urbs.It looks like you and the ex-pats have been well and truly shafted as your job is for services and activitiesfor the Urbs.but with agreement from all other councillors,Which means no matter what you want to improve I will lay odds that the other councillors wont,So it will still be that whilst you are a lion
your teeth and claws have been pulled out.
Ms onception Castelle Espinosa is in charge of health and fiestas

La Marina

In my opinion the road cleaning has functioned well in the past and I expect that will continue.
Poor old Jeff, the most enthusiastic of all the councillors that I have anyway met is as you say rendered compleatly toothless. I referred to him in earlier posts as PP's office boy, paid in crumbs so that he gets THEIR resolutions through the chamber and at the time I got absolutely slated by every Tom, Dick and Harry for saying that, however, I think your comments support my view?
There is much that can be improved on the health front and I wish ms Espinosa well.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-02 05:43:35 UTC