If you’d like to become a winner, you’re not alone. Winners are the icing on the cake of society, the cherry in the cocktail of life and overall just the coolest people on earth.
But what is a “winner”, actually? Is Bill Gates a winner? How about Mother Theresa? Or Gandhi? What about Vincent van Gogh, who hardly sold any paintings during his life time? Can you be declared a winner in retrospect? And who declares the winners in the first place?
Ah… hold on. I think we may finally have found the right question: Who declares the winners?
Is it God? Does he point his finger to draw a line between winners and losers? Or maybe it’s a highly regarded group of success gurus who make the decision? Do they publish a list of winners online? And do you have to buy their training course to earn your winner badge?
What about your friends? Surely, what they think of you must be right? But what if you find new friends who think differently?
The one with the right to judge you
Darn… this is getting complicated. We might actually have to stop asking questions and start facing the truth. You might have to accept the harsh reality that there’s only one single person who has all the power to decide whether you’re a winner or not. Someone who can determine your fate, who has the right to judge you and who can change your life with his or her thoughts alone.
It’s you, of course. Which really doesn’t make things any easier. I mean, what are you supposed to think of yourself? Who tells you what you should think? Is it God? Or maybe a group of highly regarded — ok, let’s not go through all that again.
The bottom line is this: It’s all on you. You’re the only one who gets to decide and nobody else has the power to “help” you with your decision.
By now, we realise that our starting question doesn’t quite fit. “Are you a winner?” isn’t really a question anyone can answer. Why don’t we replace it with “Do you feel like a winner?”. If you’re the only who gets a say in this anyway, then your feelings and thoughts are all that matters, aren’t they?
So, do you feel like a winner? I certainly do. Sometimes. At other times, I feel like a total failure: weak, vulnerable and helpless.
My guess is that you’re like me. I think that you try to think well of yourself, and often succeed — but not always.
How to feel like a winner
To help you feel like a winner more often, I’d like to show you a little exercise that has helped me personally a lot. In order to do so, I’ll build on the exercise that Douglas Cartwright has suggested for changing the way we look at problems.
Here’s what to do:
Step 1:
In writing, make a list of your successes in life. Start with your childhood. How you learned
to swim, or to ride a bike. Then work your way up to today. Your first kiss, your high-school
graduation. The first job. Your first promotion. You get the picture.
Steps 2 – 1,000,000:
From now on, every time you experience a new success, read through the whole list again. Then
add the new success to the list.
This activity shifts your thinking significantly. Instead of registering your successes as isolated events, your mind will start to interlink them.
As a result, you don’t just think “Wow, I’ve achieved a success” whenever you have a success-experience. Instead, you think “Wow, I’m a successful person” — a winner.

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Bookings now being taken for christmas partys. Dont loose your licence by drink driving Let us do the driving and you do the partying, give us a call on
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Friends 4u Abroad Update

Friends 4u Abroad started up a few years ago to help single people to meet other singles here in the Costa Blanca region of Spain.

We organize social get to gethers so we can meet up and exchange conversation with like minded other single people.

All good fun, so why not join up, all FREE what have you got tyo loose!!!

Next meet up Friday Night (18 Nov) at La Fresia, Filton Centre, Los Balcones

tel/text: Kas 622 03 35 82

email: [email protected]

Twitter: Friends4uAbroad

Facebook: same.

Friends 4u Abroad meet up every Friday Night at La Fresia at 10pm

Commented Kas in Los Balcones 2011-11-24 16:56:13 UTC

English Films - Cinema

Can you please tel me where I can watch an English film, is there a cinema near??

S B Obras

Hello, wondering if someone could help me. I am trying to get hold of a company in Pilar called "S B Obras". Does anyone have a contact number for them or email


Available for your Venue!!!

Night Out Promotions !!!!!!
Are now taking bookings for '' The Ultimate Video Disco / Karaoke with your Karaoke Host Gaynor Marie ''
Dates available throughout the month of December and into 2012. For your Christmas party night and throughout December, we bring the snow to you with our safe water based fluid SNOW MACHINE'S.
Projector with 7ft Screen available if required to create the ultimate video disco. We adapt the show to suit the evening and the venue, with your Karaoke host starting the evening with full vocal set if required followed by Karaoke or whichever way the customer would prefer, and there is also a full visual light and lazer show.
Playing all your favorite music video's from the 70's through to today.
Weddings, Birthdays and Anniversary's are our speciality.
For more information or to book for your event contact..........
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[email protected]

Money over safety

Money over safety
Written by Mireille Toddington
Monday, 07 November 2011 14:34
The city of Pilar has shut down 1,300 points of light across the borough in a measure aimed at cutting spending by nearly 20 percent. The move represents an annual savings of more than 180,000 euros, but in a move that cuts supply of street lights in half, some believe that public safety during the long winter nights could pay the price.

Councillors in the municipality of Pilar de la Horadada are heralding the annual saving of 180,000 euros by switching off 1,300 street lights in various areas of the municipality as a huge success for the borough. The initiative was launched by the Councillor for Infrastructure Ivan Romero, who described the measure as fundamental “to the need to lower municipal spending”. The councillor reiterated that Pilar is in a “very bad economic situation and cannot afford to spend a million euros in lighting alone”.
The decrease, which represents almost 20 percent, will see about 50 percent of street lighting reduced in the midnight hours in areas such as the marina, Las Ramblas, Pillar high street and the pavements linking the neighbourhood of La Cañada. The supply has been cut from the points of light in urbanisations and urban centres in Pilar and Torre de la Horadada, especially where there is very little building. In addition to losing certain street lights the measure will also see other street lights dimmed, minimising output and therefore making further cost savings.

The councillor said: “Our management has to go in this direction, not only on austerity but also closely monitor municipal spending that does not affect all citizens.”
To carry out this measure, the municipal officers have been working for over a month in order to consider carefully the use of each area of ​​the town and see where it could carry out the shut-down of the different street-lights without causing stress or safety issues for local residents. The councillor ended by saying that the City Council “hopes that everyone understands these measures and if the streets are still adequately illuminated then this is the main concern, but also of concern is the need to save for further and clear the debts for the people”.

Not money over safety at all but a sensible measure which will save not only money but also un-necessary use of energy. This should have been done years ago. There are large areas of the municipality where the infrastructure of roads and lighting are completed but no houses and no residents. These street lights at present are on all night.
George Brander

Commented George in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-11-09 14:14:03 UTC

I agree with George and would add that anything that reduces light polution in the area is also welcome

Commented L.Schneiter in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-11-14 22:37:24 UTC

Laptop Problems might be a silly question, but i have this Ei System 4406 laptop-Is it worth repairing it? I have no idea what's wrong with it (whether it's a battery or hard drive or something else..)..and I can't find anywhere adapter,charger and power lead too..:( Does anyone know how much would it be to repair?

Song and Dance Spectacular

Song and Dance Spectacular charity concert, will take place at the Casa de Cultura theatre in Pilar de la Horadada on Thursday 17th November starting at 7.30pm. All proceeds from the concert will be divided between the AECC and Campoverde Anglican Church. We know times are tough for us all, but particularly for charities who rely solely on our donations. So we hope that you will support this fund raising event in your usual way. Opening the show will be the smooth harmonizing sound of The Velvetones Ladies Chorus, followed by the medal winning Ladies Quartet Fenix. We then have a brilliant display of Latin American dancing by the children of the Club de Baile Horadance. If you think “Strictly come dancing” is good, wait till you see this performance. Following this display, you will then be treated to the dramatic flamenco dancing of Francisca and Antonio of Al Andalus Completing the concert we have the medal winning and ever popular Torrevieja Barbershop Harmonisers. To book your tickets for only 7 euros telephone Peter Barlow 966762693. Or email [email protected] e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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