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La Marina

And it took 1 hour and 29 mins to come to that !!!

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2013-12-20 17:40:05 UTC

And now, the desperately hard-pressed UK economy has got to pay £45,000 per year to keep each one of them in prison.

Commented Geoff in La Marina 2013-12-20 20:15:14 UTC

I know but what do you do let them go ? hang them ? that would be to good for them and they then become martyrs to there cause (and no longer suffer).
I bet there will be some do gooder out there that will plead that there insane so they get the easy route you can almost hear them now !.

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2013-12-21 12:57:00 UTC

True they must be insane but the teachings of the Quran preys on the weak minded. Unfortunately the weak minded all seem to end up or start off as muslims. I say put them in a dark hole forever with no comforts whatsoever

Commented Maggie Gray in Quesada 2013-12-22 07:11:35 UTC

Now there's a thought, hang on what's that I can hear ? but getting louder oh yes the what about there "human rights" brigade !!!!

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2013-12-22 14:18:24 UTC

And what will they get, life, at the taxpayers expense 12 years for good behaviour

Commented davieselz in La Marina 2013-12-22 22:16:31 UTC

Life should mean LIFE for the rest of there life

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2013-12-22 23:06:06 UTC