
Today's Coast Rider carries a story about Lost dogs. If you do not get a copy of the paper the article can be seen here.

La Marina

Thanks for pointing this article out. I am almost afraid at this time to have a view or opinion on anything but surely something must be done about this.
My opinion, if I am allowed to have one, is that we had a perfectly workable arrangement before this council took over in June. I for one have never understood why we simply did not continue with the arrangements whch were in place.
I have no allegiance to K9, SATS or any of the other organisations.
Ian if it is not broken then dont fix it which is why I have difficulty in understanding our new council's actions?
I am not being critical in any way but this must be at least the fifth or sixth explanation we have had from Jeff, when will we be told what exactly is or is not happening?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-08-09 11:15:57 UTC