
Has anybody heard that the BBC is going to change ite satellite in a few weeks,if so do you know what affect it will have our screens in the Costa Blanca,i have heard it will be a narrower beam and therefore unless you have a bigger dish you may lose many channels as more companies move over to the new satellite,also what will happen to those customers who use <torresat,superbeam,etc.or is this just another rumour to try to wind people up

La Marina

We have FREESAT at home and have already lost our BBC programmes and BBC text. We have been in touch with Freesat in UK only to be told that Freesat is a UK based system and so they were unable to assist us in Spain.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-09-29 19:05:11 UTC

This is copied from another forum hope it helps
The BBC News Channel is moving its transponder as from the week starting September 19th. It is not good news, as it will be on the weak 10.803H transponder on Astra 2D, which will knock out smaller dishes, and only offer very limited access to bigger 1.9 m dishes, if at all. That info comes from the BBC Internet Blog.
The BBC streams were on this Transponder so are affected
All three BBC channels were remapped to the new frequencies on Friday for Freesat boxes, and today for Sky boxes.

Their old freq 11954 no longer carries those channels (from this afternoon). But 11954 will soon carry the stream channels, once they move by 7th October.
You will have to do a rescan to the new transponder and hope that does the trick

Commented david in La Marina 2011-09-30 08:05:28 UTC

Thanks for that info. david.
I am sure we will sort the problem out as it occurs,
Just wonder how many people will be affected in coming days,and not know what it is all about.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-09-30 12:52:00 UTC

Any updates on this please? As we have been asked now by several people.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-10-07 07:33:27 UTC

If you do a scan as I said previously you will get the BBC streams

Commented david in La Marina 2011-10-07 08:09:02 UTC